NSA is Stranded
Sunset Park 2009
“Overnight factory deserted island outer-space party for real”
Transporting port-a-potties into a deluxe hygienic experience. All night matched performance.
NSA is Stranded
Sunset Park 2009
“Overnight factory deserted island outer-space party for real”
Transporting port-a-potties into a deluxe hygienic experience. All night matched performance.

Performance Flyer
NSA is No Standing Anytime, a critical art & design duo made of Christina Kral and Adriana Valdez Young. NSA builds temporary and collaborative platforms for research, education and art that shift public spaces into laboratories and abandoned properties into open studios. NSA produces experiences to transform public space, perform community research and intervene in under-utilized spaces. NSA documents, maps, and analyzes the ways urban lifestyles and behavior are produced, marketed, and manifested in the built environment. It uncovers the layers of spatial, ecomonic, political and cultural forces at play and develops educational formats and employs experimental pedagogy to activate the city as a laboratory.