2012 – 2015
Street Anthology
Taxonomic arrangements
Untitled (2012)
Cobble stone, stone, concrete cast, wooden box
Street Anthology
Taxonomic arrangements

Untitled (2012)
Cobble stone, stone, concrete cast, wooden box

Exhibition View, No Lightning Strikes The Nettle, Berlin 2015

Different types of blank ammunition, Metal, plastic, strips of wood, Collected in Berlin-Wedding

68 x 86 cm, acrylic paint on mdf board,
found objects

South End, 2014 | temporary installation, 245 cm x 115 cm, with found materials such as hair extensions, rubber bands, palm leave, muffin wrapper, wire, metal pins, nails, light bulb, tape, card board, sponge, play card, wood, etc.
During my artist residency at Gasworks in London (2014), I traced the route from my studio to my apartment by way of street collections. I literally picked up materials from the ground.
Over the course of three months, I gathered and edited my findings into this wall piece.
During my artist residency at Gasworks in London (2014), I traced the route from my studio to my apartment by way of street collections. I literally picked up materials from the ground.
Over the course of three months, I gathered and edited my findings into this wall piece.

Untitled (2014)
Nail grid, white paint, various materials

Exhibition View
No Lightning Strikes The Nettle,
Berlin 2015

Untitled (Mondphasen), Wire, 2014

Straßenbelag (2015), Samples of ground topping & Rusty Nails (2015), Various types of burnt and rusted nails

Two Lazy Daisies, 2015
306 x 151 cm, two round table tops (blue plastic and white wood), painted black rectangle
306 x 151 cm, two round table tops (blue plastic and white wood), painted black rectangle