Worin unsere Stärke besteht – Fünfzig Künstlerinnen aus der DDR
Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin
Curated by Andrea Pichel. Curatorial Assistance by Sylvia Sadzinski

Artists: Tina Bara, Ina Bierstedt, Antje Blumenstein, Peggy Buth, Nadja Buttendorf, Yvon Chabrowski, Annedore Dietze, Else Gabriel, Katrin Glanz, Henriette Grahnert, Jana Gunstheimer, Sabine Herrmann, Elke Hopfe, Margret Hoppe, Beate Hornig, Uta Hünniger, Lisa Junghanss, Christina Kral, Betina Kuntzsch, Ulrike Kuschel, Alex Lebus, Ingeborg Lockemann, Wiebke Loeper, Jana Müller, Ulrike Mundt, Henrike Nauman/Susanne Rische, Helga Paris, Andrea Pichl, Katja Pudor, Franziska Reinbothe, Inken Reinert, Sabine Reinfeld, Sophie Reinhold, Ricarda Roggan, Jenny Rosemeyer, Christine Schlegel, Luise Schröder, Wenke Seemann, Gabriele Stötzer, Erika Stürmer-Alex, Anett Stuth, Ulrike Theusner, Manuela Warstat, Suse Weber, Saskia Wendland, Kristin Wenzel, Eva-Maria Wilde, Karla Woisnitza/Ingartan, Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt, Künstlerinnengruppe Erfurt
The exhibition Worin unsere Stärke besteht (“Where our
strength lies”), curated by artist Andrea Pichl, shows the work of fifty
women artists from three different generations who were born in the GDR
(German Democratic Republic). Working with different media and diverse
genres, the artists investigate complex themes, producing works that
defy categorisation, and that cannot be reduced to a single aesthetic or
subject. Some of the artists were already active during the GDR period.
The exhibition does not address any narrative relating to the GDR, nor
does it historicise art from the GDR. Rather, it opens out to artists’
biographies, approaching the question of how lived experience influences
artistic thematic preoccupations. A small number of the works exhibited
were produced during the GDR period.
The exhibition is complemented by a weekly program with contributions by Else Gabriel, Annekatrin Hendel, Jana Hensel, Therese Koppe, Katja Lange-Müller, Bibiana Malay and Grit Diaz de Arce, Andrea Pichl, Adama Ulrich and Katharina Warda.
Essays by curators, art historians, and artists from the GDR are republished in a text collection and contextualise the exhibition: Angelika Richter, Hiltrud Ebert, Elske Rosenfeld, Charlotte Misselwitz, Else Gabriel and Suse Weber.
The exhibition is complemented by a weekly program with contributions by Else Gabriel, Annekatrin Hendel, Jana Hensel, Therese Koppe, Katja Lange-Müller, Bibiana Malay and Grit Diaz de Arce, Andrea Pichl, Adama Ulrich and Katharina Warda.
Essays by curators, art historians, and artists from the GDR are republished in a text collection and contextualise the exhibition: Angelika Richter, Hiltrud Ebert, Elske Rosenfeld, Charlotte Misselwitz, Else Gabriel and Suse Weber.

Photographs by Eric Tschernow and Christina Kral