Confronting dinner conventions in unusual places and ways



Harakka Island, Helsinki and in Breslau, Berlin, and New York City

THE DINNER GAMES was a 2-day workshop playing with the social format of the dinner and developing new interactions around it. During the workshop participants developed a dinner format from scratch—this included to create a menu, revisit and modify established notions of behaviors, develop new social rules, and redesign the use of table hardware.

The elements developed during the workshop were tested during a closing dinner event on the evening of the 2nd day. 

An YKON project.

Where you sit is not your choice.

Going through past dinner moments. Participants shared their own experiences.

Production of the second dinner game.

Plotting out the dinner journey

One of the two parallel running dinner games (Dinner of the senses)

Social Voucher
”Start,” food, each course a new interaction, the table cloth tells dinner guests what the next steps are

Hosted on a tiny island outside of Helsinki. Getting there on a boat was the initiation for the dinner guests.
The workshop was part of the professional development workshops for artists delivered by m-cult in context of the transnational Collaborative Arts Partnership Programme and the Vastaanotto/Reception Triennale of community arts.